The Mating of Eagles
A story told by the Wintu Tribal Elders of California. Narrated by Jery Hale (Ghostbuffalo).
When it comes time for the female Eagle to choose her mate, she prepares
herself for many suitors. And many come before her. She looks them over
quite well and then picks one to fly with for awhile. If she likes the
way he flies she finds a small stick, picks it up and flies high with it.
At some point she will drop the stick to see if the male can catch it.
If he does, then she finds a larger stick and flies with it much higher
this time.
Each time the male catches the sticks, she continues to pick up larger
and larger sticks. When she finds the largest, heaviest stick that she
herself can carry, the stick is at this point almost the size of a small
log! But she can still fly very high with this large stick. At any time
in this process, if the male fails to catch the stick, she flies away
from him as her signal that the test is now over. She begins her search
all over again. And when she again finds a male she is interested in,
she starts testing him in the exact same way. And she will continue
this"testing" until she finds the male Eagle who can catch all the
And when she does, she chooses him, and will mate with him for life.
One of the reasons for this test is that at some point they will build a
nest together high up and will then have their Eaglettes. When the
babies begin to learn to fly, they sometimes fall instead. It is then
that the male must catch his young. And he does! The female Eagle and
their Eaglettes have depended on him to be strong for them. Just as we
Native women and children need to depend upon our Native men. (jan
So what I would like to offer to you my friends is this. Sisters, how
well do you "test" your suitors before you allow them into your life?
And my Brothers, how well have you caught the "sticks" for your women
and your children?
Whatever our past has been like, if we need to change, let's do so now
together. Our children are counting on us to make these good choices for
them and for their children. My Sisters, it's time for us to welcome our
Native men back into our Circles. We need to bring balance and harmony
back to our and our communities.
This won't happen until we as men and women can come together and learn
to truly Love one another in a healthy and repectful way. Open your arms
today, we can do this together.
Let's love each other in a good way! Let's love and be faithful like Our
Eagle relatives! Let's learn from their wisdom.
Saturday, June 21, 2003
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
El Rushbo
When I was growing up, I remember there being a lot of clowns around to make us laugh. There was Clarabell the Clown on the Howdy Doody Show.
Poor Clarabell was not gifted with speech, but s/he had a great little bicycle horn that made the point. Clarabell was a lot like Harpo Marx, but couldn't play that 85 string bow and arrow. Then there was Bozo the Clown. He was a lot of fun, always a pratfall in the act, big red nose, big feet, and a delight to the kids. From the big top of Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey Circus came Emmett Kelly as the sad faced tramp. Always down on the luck, he could still cause belly laughs. And then there was Red Skelton. His clown was similar to Kelly's but it was one face among a whole circus full within the brain of Red Skelton.
Now I get to listen to another clown on the radio, from 11:00 until 2:00 pm. Only this one doesn't have a clown car. His cigar may be put out, and his red nose is not made of putty or rubber. "From the EIB studios comes the self-aggrandizing pompous voice of El rushbo, the savior of motherhood, the flag, apple pie, and the Amerikan Way of life. His belief system is so far to the white privilege right that he could be the poster child of the back to the Stone Age party.
He claims to speak from the "EIB golden microphone" which is needed to keep the crap spewed onto it from corroding it beyond use. He sits in the "Jabber the Hutt" chair, and has a web cam with a wide angle lense that he turns on at will so his Lilliputian listeners can bask in his virtual presence. Senor Limburger claims that he broadcasts with one half of his brain tied behind his back. It is tied with one of those itty-bitty ponytail bands, 'cause thats all that is needed to keep his brain in place. It is equal in size to the other two lobes of his brain, which are kept inside his jock strap. He claims that his talent is on loan from God. I think God had the repo man out there several years ago to pick it up.
If he were just a comedian, it would be a pretty good schtick. But he has an opinion on everything, and with Clinton out of power, he is slavering at the jowells on any and every issue. Indians- he's again 'em, women- he's again them too, unless they are willing to remain barefoot in the winter, pregnant in the summer, and cookin' him his ham hocks and greens. Hispanics-he's again 'em, unless they are Bush nominees, Blacks-he's again them too, unless they are tame, registered in the Republican Party, and address him as Massa. Liberals-dead, Democrats-likewise, moderate Republicans-are just like Democrats.
Maybe its just a phenomena of our society. Maybe you quit having to think to be a registered Republican. But then, maybe the Democrats have become so brain-dead that they can't find a way to counter his snake-oil salesmanship.
And as Edward R. Murrow used to say when ended his broadcasts, "And that's the way it is."
My opine, Ainit!
When I was growing up, I remember there being a lot of clowns around to make us laugh. There was Clarabell the Clown on the Howdy Doody Show.
Poor Clarabell was not gifted with speech, but s/he had a great little bicycle horn that made the point. Clarabell was a lot like Harpo Marx, but couldn't play that 85 string bow and arrow. Then there was Bozo the Clown. He was a lot of fun, always a pratfall in the act, big red nose, big feet, and a delight to the kids. From the big top of Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey Circus came Emmett Kelly as the sad faced tramp. Always down on the luck, he could still cause belly laughs. And then there was Red Skelton. His clown was similar to Kelly's but it was one face among a whole circus full within the brain of Red Skelton.
Now I get to listen to another clown on the radio, from 11:00 until 2:00 pm. Only this one doesn't have a clown car. His cigar may be put out, and his red nose is not made of putty or rubber. "From the EIB studios comes the self-aggrandizing pompous voice of El rushbo, the savior of motherhood, the flag, apple pie, and the Amerikan Way of life. His belief system is so far to the white privilege right that he could be the poster child of the back to the Stone Age party.
He claims to speak from the "EIB golden microphone" which is needed to keep the crap spewed onto it from corroding it beyond use. He sits in the "Jabber the Hutt" chair, and has a web cam with a wide angle lense that he turns on at will so his Lilliputian listeners can bask in his virtual presence. Senor Limburger claims that he broadcasts with one half of his brain tied behind his back. It is tied with one of those itty-bitty ponytail bands, 'cause thats all that is needed to keep his brain in place. It is equal in size to the other two lobes of his brain, which are kept inside his jock strap. He claims that his talent is on loan from God. I think God had the repo man out there several years ago to pick it up.
If he were just a comedian, it would be a pretty good schtick. But he has an opinion on everything, and with Clinton out of power, he is slavering at the jowells on any and every issue. Indians- he's again 'em, women- he's again them too, unless they are willing to remain barefoot in the winter, pregnant in the summer, and cookin' him his ham hocks and greens. Hispanics-he's again 'em, unless they are Bush nominees, Blacks-he's again them too, unless they are tame, registered in the Republican Party, and address him as Massa. Liberals-dead, Democrats-likewise, moderate Republicans-are just like Democrats.
Maybe its just a phenomena of our society. Maybe you quit having to think to be a registered Republican. But then, maybe the Democrats have become so brain-dead that they can't find a way to counter his snake-oil salesmanship.
And as Edward R. Murrow used to say when ended his broadcasts, "And that's the way it is."
My opine, Ainit!
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
The Texas prison system reaches new lows
After a hit-and-run attack on senior administrators in the Windham School District, the TDCJ board has done its best to gut the education system repeatedly extolled as the best correctional education program in the U.S., and probably the world.
On Monday, administrators were directed to pass out pink slips to about 35% of school administrators and 18% of teachers. It has been stated that Windham reduces recidivism tremendously, especially among youthful offenders. A G.E.D and a vocational trade has reduced recidivism from 66% to 22%. For those who get an additional two years of an Associates Degree, the rate drops to 11%.
Vocational programs are designed to industry certification standards, whit automotive students receiving ASE certification, building trades students getting the same written and practical training as free-world workers. This applies across the board, meaning that the vocational teachers having to also be certified in those programs, and to also certify as instructors.
All teachers in the system must comply with all certificatication required of public school teachers, including yearly Professional Growth seminars and courses. The average of teachers with a Masters degree exceeds most public schools in Texas. The Republican legislatures thought it a great idea to reduce the Windham budget by 0ver 19%.
So it looks like the TDCJ (Texas Department of Criminal Justice) will once again head back into the 19th Century of ideology.
After a hit-and-run attack on senior administrators in the Windham School District, the TDCJ board has done its best to gut the education system repeatedly extolled as the best correctional education program in the U.S., and probably the world.
On Monday, administrators were directed to pass out pink slips to about 35% of school administrators and 18% of teachers. It has been stated that Windham reduces recidivism tremendously, especially among youthful offenders. A G.E.D and a vocational trade has reduced recidivism from 66% to 22%. For those who get an additional two years of an Associates Degree, the rate drops to 11%.
Vocational programs are designed to industry certification standards, whit automotive students receiving ASE certification, building trades students getting the same written and practical training as free-world workers. This applies across the board, meaning that the vocational teachers having to also be certified in those programs, and to also certify as instructors.
All teachers in the system must comply with all certificatication required of public school teachers, including yearly Professional Growth seminars and courses. The average of teachers with a Masters degree exceeds most public schools in Texas. The Republican legislatures thought it a great idea to reduce the Windham budget by 0ver 19%.
So it looks like the TDCJ (Texas Department of Criminal Justice) will once again head back into the 19th Century of ideology.
Saturday, June 14, 2003
White privilege, does it exist and what does it mean?
You are driving down the road, see flashing lights in the rear view mirror, and start figuring out an excuse to give the cop when he arrives at your car.
Then you smile, answer his questions, sign your ticket (or warning), then proceed down the road. That's if you are white, middle aged and have no warrants.
If you are black, hispanic or Indian, the situation is noticeably different. First you are going to wait a while for the cop to run your car registration, license, insurance, police warrants, crimes in the area, etc. through the computer to see if you just might fit a description of someone wanted for something, or be a lawless-type person. Then some sory of offense will be found or invented (cracked tail light, poor tread on a tire, weaving across the lane, not dimming the
headlights, etc.) to justify a search of your car. Then everything will be taken out of the trunk, seats pulled up, everything rifled through to try to find any evidence or a more serious charge. If nothing is found, you will still have to put everything back in the car while the cop tries to taunt you into doing or saying something rash or uncomplementary. You may be frisked, with the hand coming up between your legs rather wuickly and not stopping soon enough at your crotch. You may be handcuffed "for your own safety", with the cuffs tightened a couple of notches past comfortable, and maybe taken down to the station because you appear suspicious. If nothing can be found against you, they will release you in the morning and let you walk back to your car.
God help you if you are a diabetic, and are having a reaction. You are going to be diagnosed in the field as a "drunk Indian", thrown into the drunk tank" and left to spend the night sobering up (without your insulin, pills, or glucose tablets).
Imagine the worst case you ever experienced at any government agency line; DMV, Social Security, housing, food stamps, or voter registration. Then consider that's what your Indian neighbor experiences every time he gets in such a line.
Consider that you are considered always "right" in any social discussion. That God picked the Europeans to take over America because it was His will that good European farmers and merchants were inherently better qualifide to run this country than the Indians who are a bunch of savages who don't have the intelligence or skills to manage anything.
When I lived in South Dakota in the Air Force, Texas started recruiting black officers for the Highway Patrol. The Sodaks kept trying to rub it in that these were the first blacks in the agency. When I asked them why there were no Indian Highway Patrol officers up there, they said, "It's different with the Indians. They are lazy. They are drunks. They will steal everything out of the patrol cars and sell the tires for wine." The story is always the same, just a different minority that only the resident privileged White can decipher.
Well, if your well-meaninged suggestions as to what the poor ignorant heathen savages should do falls on deaf ears, consider it mayby that you are describing the situation with blind eyes.
Winter Owl
You are driving down the road, see flashing lights in the rear view mirror, and start figuring out an excuse to give the cop when he arrives at your car.
Then you smile, answer his questions, sign your ticket (or warning), then proceed down the road. That's if you are white, middle aged and have no warrants.
If you are black, hispanic or Indian, the situation is noticeably different. First you are going to wait a while for the cop to run your car registration, license, insurance, police warrants, crimes in the area, etc. through the computer to see if you just might fit a description of someone wanted for something, or be a lawless-type person. Then some sory of offense will be found or invented (cracked tail light, poor tread on a tire, weaving across the lane, not dimming the
headlights, etc.) to justify a search of your car. Then everything will be taken out of the trunk, seats pulled up, everything rifled through to try to find any evidence or a more serious charge. If nothing is found, you will still have to put everything back in the car while the cop tries to taunt you into doing or saying something rash or uncomplementary. You may be frisked, with the hand coming up between your legs rather wuickly and not stopping soon enough at your crotch. You may be handcuffed "for your own safety", with the cuffs tightened a couple of notches past comfortable, and maybe taken down to the station because you appear suspicious. If nothing can be found against you, they will release you in the morning and let you walk back to your car.
God help you if you are a diabetic, and are having a reaction. You are going to be diagnosed in the field as a "drunk Indian", thrown into the drunk tank" and left to spend the night sobering up (without your insulin, pills, or glucose tablets).
Imagine the worst case you ever experienced at any government agency line; DMV, Social Security, housing, food stamps, or voter registration. Then consider that's what your Indian neighbor experiences every time he gets in such a line.
Consider that you are considered always "right" in any social discussion. That God picked the Europeans to take over America because it was His will that good European farmers and merchants were inherently better qualifide to run this country than the Indians who are a bunch of savages who don't have the intelligence or skills to manage anything.
When I lived in South Dakota in the Air Force, Texas started recruiting black officers for the Highway Patrol. The Sodaks kept trying to rub it in that these were the first blacks in the agency. When I asked them why there were no Indian Highway Patrol officers up there, they said, "It's different with the Indians. They are lazy. They are drunks. They will steal everything out of the patrol cars and sell the tires for wine." The story is always the same, just a different minority that only the resident privileged White can decipher.
Well, if your well-meaninged suggestions as to what the poor ignorant heathen savages should do falls on deaf ears, consider it mayby that you are describing the situation with blind eyes.
Winter Owl
Friday, June 13, 2003
For 20 years I have been teaching inmates behind the razor wire, at three separate prisons. The first year I taught at the womwns' maximum security facility "Mountain View". It was the headest year of my life. In Texas, for a woman to get a lot of hard time, they must:
1. Really aggrivate some prominent people back home (like killing the D.A.'s son)
2. Be violently crazy.
3. Be without hope of redemption.
The next year I taught at the "Ferguson" Unit. There I had the gladiators. They are the young violent punks that are trying to prove they are "real men" and are engaged in constant fights, stabbings, etc.
For the last 18 years, it's been at a medium custody prison, with many more older and wiser inmates. Those who know that to do time, you have to do it yourself, and that fighting just gives you broken bones, stab wounds, and possibly death. I spend a part of the day reading a selection from my book of "Thoughts for the day". I'll share some of them because they are meaningful to all. Just substitute non-prison lingo as it happens, although you might get a sense of life in the "iron house" from some of them.
The Field of Dreams
Sometime we carry an attitude at work because we think the job is beneath us, or we resent the fact that others are boss and we aren't. We are in such a tearing hurry to be at the top of the heap! Newlyweds expect to have the same status and "stuff" that their parents have been slaving to get for 20-30 years. Big screen TV, two cars, all new furniture in a luxury apartment wity a pool, hot tub, and 300 channels of cable TV. Gen X and Y expects to leave college and enter the world of work near the top, with a private office, a secretary, an unlimited espense account, and a limo at their beck and call. The idea of "paying dues" to acquire these luxuries never seems to occur to these young people.
Don't expect instand wealth. Remember the tortise and the hare. Slow steady progress and improvement leads to rewards more surely than the "fast burner" who burns out. As we grow in personal stature, we grow into more responsible energy. People will want to hire us and to work with us. Our success will come almost without effort. Things will just happen.
You can have a fantastic resume', but if you have a crappy personality, the going will be rough for you. Awards, honors and experiences can give you a foot in the door, but you have to have something else to make them like you and want you to stay.
1. Really aggrivate some prominent people back home (like killing the D.A.'s son)
2. Be violently crazy.
3. Be without hope of redemption.
The next year I taught at the "Ferguson" Unit. There I had the gladiators. They are the young violent punks that are trying to prove they are "real men" and are engaged in constant fights, stabbings, etc.
For the last 18 years, it's been at a medium custody prison, with many more older and wiser inmates. Those who know that to do time, you have to do it yourself, and that fighting just gives you broken bones, stab wounds, and possibly death. I spend a part of the day reading a selection from my book of "Thoughts for the day". I'll share some of them because they are meaningful to all. Just substitute non-prison lingo as it happens, although you might get a sense of life in the "iron house" from some of them.
The Field of Dreams
Sometime we carry an attitude at work because we think the job is beneath us, or we resent the fact that others are boss and we aren't. We are in such a tearing hurry to be at the top of the heap! Newlyweds expect to have the same status and "stuff" that their parents have been slaving to get for 20-30 years. Big screen TV, two cars, all new furniture in a luxury apartment wity a pool, hot tub, and 300 channels of cable TV. Gen X and Y expects to leave college and enter the world of work near the top, with a private office, a secretary, an unlimited espense account, and a limo at their beck and call. The idea of "paying dues" to acquire these luxuries never seems to occur to these young people.
Don't expect instand wealth. Remember the tortise and the hare. Slow steady progress and improvement leads to rewards more surely than the "fast burner" who burns out. As we grow in personal stature, we grow into more responsible energy. People will want to hire us and to work with us. Our success will come almost without effort. Things will just happen.
You can have a fantastic resume', but if you have a crappy personality, the going will be rough for you. Awards, honors and experiences can give you a foot in the door, but you have to have something else to make them like you and want you to stay.
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Diabetes kills and maims Native Americans 7 times more than whites
Seriously, diabetes is not conquerable unless you can get a kidney/pancreas transplant.
Diabetes is CONTROLLABLE, with the realization that it's there and that you have to modify your lifestyle in dealing with it.
The magic word is not "sugar", its carbohydrates. Add fresh vegetables that are high fiber and low carb. Wheat, rice, potato, and corn are high carb foods. There are a variety of nutrition guides out there that will help you understand what is good nutrition. Write me if you want further tips.
If you aren't exercising now, start! Walking is as good as jogging, if not better. Park at the far end of the parking lot when you go to the store. Take the stairs rather than the elevator if it's only 2-3 stories.
Drink lots of water. You will have to purge as much sugar from your system as possible, so drink 8 glasses a day.
Tame the tiger early and you will be able to live long and healthy.
The American Diabetes Association publishes good information on the web. Go to
Here is a sample of some of the articles on their page.
You've heard it a million times. Diabetes care is up to you. But it's easier said than done. Staying motivated 24 hours a day, seven days a week can tire anyone out.
Of course, the more you stick to your plan of care, the healthier and more energetic you will feel. But what if you lose your drive? If you find you're in a slump, you might want to check to see if your emotions are getting in the way of good self-care. Three common culprits are denial, depression, and anger. You can learn to spot when these feelings are disrupting your self-care.
Denial is that voice inside repeating: "Not me." Most people go through denial when they are first diagnosed with diabetes. "I don't believe it. There must be some mistake," they say.
That first reaction is not the real problem. In fact, it's so common that some doctors think it's part of the process of accepting the diagnosis.
The trouble comes when you keep on denying your diabetes. Long-term denial stops you from learning what you need to know to keep yourself healthy.
Why deny?
Sometimes denial serves a purpose. It is a way of coping with bad news. It can keep you from getting overwhelmed and depressed. It lets you accept news little by little, when you are ready.
But denial can return later on because it seems easier. Denying that your diabetes is serious lets you avoid self-care. It shields you from the fact that diabetes is a lifelong, chronic illness, which, if left untreated, can result in complications. Denial also lets your family and friends pretend that "nothing is wrong."
Doctors who do not specialize in diabetes care may fuel your denial. They may talk about a "mild" case of diabetes or say there is "just a touch of sugar" in your blood. Though well-meaning, these terms send the wrong message. What you hear is "Don't worry. Your diabetes is not serious enough to hurt you."
Spotting denial
Denial has a few catch phrases. If you hear yourself thinking or saying them, you are avoiding some part of your diabetes care.
One bite won't hurt.
This sore will heal by itself.
I'll go to the doctor later.
I don't have time to do it.
My diabetes isn't serious. I only have to take a pill, not shots.
Hidden Danger
Because denial can creep into any aspect of diabetes self-care, it can be dangerous. Any denial sabotages your health care.
Not testing It can be a bother to check your blood glucose regularly. You may decide you "know" what your blood glucose is by how you feel. But a meter is a much better measure of blood glucose than feelings are.
Ignoring your meal plan Changing eating habits and food choices is tough. When your doctor told you to see a dietitian, follow a meal plan, and change your eating habits, maybe you thought to yourself:
It's too expensive to see a registered dietitian.
I can't ask my family to change what they eat. I don't want to eat alone or fix two meals.
There's no place to buy healthy food where I work.
It's too hard to bring my lunch.
Eating right may not be as difficult as you think. A dietician can help you put together a plan that meets your personal needs.
Seriously, diabetes is not conquerable unless you can get a kidney/pancreas transplant.
Diabetes is CONTROLLABLE, with the realization that it's there and that you have to modify your lifestyle in dealing with it.
The magic word is not "sugar", its carbohydrates. Add fresh vegetables that are high fiber and low carb. Wheat, rice, potato, and corn are high carb foods. There are a variety of nutrition guides out there that will help you understand what is good nutrition. Write me if you want further tips.
If you aren't exercising now, start! Walking is as good as jogging, if not better. Park at the far end of the parking lot when you go to the store. Take the stairs rather than the elevator if it's only 2-3 stories.
Drink lots of water. You will have to purge as much sugar from your system as possible, so drink 8 glasses a day.
Tame the tiger early and you will be able to live long and healthy.
The American Diabetes Association publishes good information on the web. Go to
Here is a sample of some of the articles on their page.
You've heard it a million times. Diabetes care is up to you. But it's easier said than done. Staying motivated 24 hours a day, seven days a week can tire anyone out.
Of course, the more you stick to your plan of care, the healthier and more energetic you will feel. But what if you lose your drive? If you find you're in a slump, you might want to check to see if your emotions are getting in the way of good self-care. Three common culprits are denial, depression, and anger. You can learn to spot when these feelings are disrupting your self-care.
Denial is that voice inside repeating: "Not me." Most people go through denial when they are first diagnosed with diabetes. "I don't believe it. There must be some mistake," they say.
That first reaction is not the real problem. In fact, it's so common that some doctors think it's part of the process of accepting the diagnosis.
The trouble comes when you keep on denying your diabetes. Long-term denial stops you from learning what you need to know to keep yourself healthy.
Why deny?
Sometimes denial serves a purpose. It is a way of coping with bad news. It can keep you from getting overwhelmed and depressed. It lets you accept news little by little, when you are ready.
But denial can return later on because it seems easier. Denying that your diabetes is serious lets you avoid self-care. It shields you from the fact that diabetes is a lifelong, chronic illness, which, if left untreated, can result in complications. Denial also lets your family and friends pretend that "nothing is wrong."
Doctors who do not specialize in diabetes care may fuel your denial. They may talk about a "mild" case of diabetes or say there is "just a touch of sugar" in your blood. Though well-meaning, these terms send the wrong message. What you hear is "Don't worry. Your diabetes is not serious enough to hurt you."
Spotting denial
Denial has a few catch phrases. If you hear yourself thinking or saying them, you are avoiding some part of your diabetes care.
One bite won't hurt.
This sore will heal by itself.
I'll go to the doctor later.
I don't have time to do it.
My diabetes isn't serious. I only have to take a pill, not shots.
Hidden Danger
Because denial can creep into any aspect of diabetes self-care, it can be dangerous. Any denial sabotages your health care.
Not testing It can be a bother to check your blood glucose regularly. You may decide you "know" what your blood glucose is by how you feel. But a meter is a much better measure of blood glucose than feelings are.
Ignoring your meal plan Changing eating habits and food choices is tough. When your doctor told you to see a dietitian, follow a meal plan, and change your eating habits, maybe you thought to yourself:
It's too expensive to see a registered dietitian.
I can't ask my family to change what they eat. I don't want to eat alone or fix two meals.
There's no place to buy healthy food where I work.
It's too hard to bring my lunch.
Eating right may not be as difficult as you think. A dietician can help you put together a plan that meets your personal needs.
Monday, June 09, 2003
A stockpile of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction has been found. It was hidden in a location that nobody would have expected!
It has been found at the Dugway Proving Grounds, in Utah, and as soon as a squadron of C-17s can be sent in, they will be repositioned back to the desert north of Baghdad.
Speaking of WMDs, the Shrub has started to back away from the term WMD, saying in a news release today that he knows that Sadaam Hussein had a "weapons" program. And that the important thing was bringing peace to the region. EXcuuuuuse me, Mr. President. There could have been less lethal ways to keep peace. And didn't we go in when we did to keep those weapons from being used on us? And it looks like we will be a peacekeeping force
in the country for many years to come. Bosnia, Afghanistan, South Korea, Germany, Okinawa, etc. Some places for over 55 years. Can we come home from some of them now, or do we still fear the ghost of Hitler and Marshal Tito?
There appear to be two WMD programs that actually took place in Iraq:
We Make Dynamite and
Weapons of Minimal Defense
The vaunted Republican Guard got its butt kicked in '91 and again in '03. It is rumored that their tanks are unusable to the coalition forces because the have one forward speed and 12 gears for reverse.
Politicians are no damned good. Whether they are Republican or Democrat, they are only looking to grease their collective palms and keep their Party afloat, and to Hell with the citizens of the U.S. If you have trouble believing this, look at the Interior Department. They have managed to lose well over $10 Billion of Indian Trust Fund money. It goes way back through both the Adiminstrations of Shrub, Slick Willie, Daddy Bush, etc. The Democratic Party is in a self-destruct mode, so maybe we can get a viable third party going.
I'd rather vote for Wynona LaDuke than Hillary Clinton, for sure.
Have a happy Monday, and remember that you are walking on Indian land.
A stockpile of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction has been found. It was hidden in a location that nobody would have expected!
It has been found at the Dugway Proving Grounds, in Utah, and as soon as a squadron of C-17s can be sent in, they will be repositioned back to the desert north of Baghdad.
Speaking of WMDs, the Shrub has started to back away from the term WMD, saying in a news release today that he knows that Sadaam Hussein had a "weapons" program. And that the important thing was bringing peace to the region. EXcuuuuuse me, Mr. President. There could have been less lethal ways to keep peace. And didn't we go in when we did to keep those weapons from being used on us? And it looks like we will be a peacekeeping force
in the country for many years to come. Bosnia, Afghanistan, South Korea, Germany, Okinawa, etc. Some places for over 55 years. Can we come home from some of them now, or do we still fear the ghost of Hitler and Marshal Tito?
There appear to be two WMD programs that actually took place in Iraq:
We Make Dynamite and
Weapons of Minimal Defense
The vaunted Republican Guard got its butt kicked in '91 and again in '03. It is rumored that their tanks are unusable to the coalition forces because the have one forward speed and 12 gears for reverse.
Politicians are no damned good. Whether they are Republican or Democrat, they are only looking to grease their collective palms and keep their Party afloat, and to Hell with the citizens of the U.S. If you have trouble believing this, look at the Interior Department. They have managed to lose well over $10 Billion of Indian Trust Fund money. It goes way back through both the Adiminstrations of Shrub, Slick Willie, Daddy Bush, etc. The Democratic Party is in a self-destruct mode, so maybe we can get a viable third party going.
I'd rather vote for Wynona LaDuke than Hillary Clinton, for sure.
Have a happy Monday, and remember that you are walking on Indian land.
Sunday, June 08, 2003
It's Sunday afternoon and I'm sore. The back of my calves ache, but it is a good feeling. I lost three pounds yesterday through exercise and "sweating to the REAL oldies". And that brings up the topic of health and the Indian.
If you are First Nations and are diabetic, whether you are in denial or not, there is help available. I received two videotapees in the mail this past week made by the Navajo Health Services. One of them is simply an excercise tape, and the other is a narrative about making the videos and about the best presentation on diabetes, from the Indian standpoint that I've seen.
the cost?
Hey they can be had for the price of mailing a large padded envelope or box that will hold 2 standard VCR tapes and $5.00 in stamps to cover return postage.
I went ahead and just sent a book of .37 stamps, 'cause it felt "cheap" doing less. Information on these tapes can be found here:
Back to health.
As I said in my intro, I work in a penetentiary in Texas, as a teacher. I teach AutoCAD, computer-aided drafting. And it might be safe to add that my students
have not followed the most healthful life practices.
For those of you who say, "Weed won't hurt me", "There's nothing wrong with doing a line or two", etc., I can offer you a group of some (50 per year for 20 years) 1000 men and women who have major memory problems, can't remember the multiplication tables, can't retain what they have read, and have other learning problems.
The nutritional deficiencies caused by lack of money, lack of interest in eating, dumpster-diving to survive have cause other problems that are a by-product of their habits.
Cigarettes are banned inside the chain link fence, so smuggled tobacco runs $1.50-2.00 each. Prisoners can get $70.00 worth of commissary goods twice a month, which works out to about two packs every two weeks, if you totally ignore hygene products, food, a fan or radio, envelopes and stamps and other necessities. No money? Well you have other ass ets that are barterable for tobacco.
Would you do that for a Big MAC (TM)?
If you are First Nations and are diabetic, whether you are in denial or not, there is help available. I received two videotapees in the mail this past week made by the Navajo Health Services. One of them is simply an excercise tape, and the other is a narrative about making the videos and about the best presentation on diabetes, from the Indian standpoint that I've seen.
the cost?
Hey they can be had for the price of mailing a large padded envelope or box that will hold 2 standard VCR tapes and $5.00 in stamps to cover return postage.
I went ahead and just sent a book of .37 stamps, 'cause it felt "cheap" doing less. Information on these tapes can be found here:
Back to health.
As I said in my intro, I work in a penetentiary in Texas, as a teacher. I teach AutoCAD, computer-aided drafting. And it might be safe to add that my students
have not followed the most healthful life practices.
For those of you who say, "Weed won't hurt me", "There's nothing wrong with doing a line or two", etc., I can offer you a group of some (50 per year for 20 years) 1000 men and women who have major memory problems, can't remember the multiplication tables, can't retain what they have read, and have other learning problems.
The nutritional deficiencies caused by lack of money, lack of interest in eating, dumpster-diving to survive have cause other problems that are a by-product of their habits.
Cigarettes are banned inside the chain link fence, so smuggled tobacco runs $1.50-2.00 each. Prisoners can get $70.00 worth of commissary goods twice a month, which works out to about two packs every two weeks, if you totally ignore hygene products, food, a fan or radio, envelopes and stamps and other necessities. No money? Well you have other ass ets that are barterable for tobacco.
Would you do that for a Big MAC (TM)?
Friday, June 06, 2003
Si yo, my future friends.What would Sequoiah have thought in 1828, if he had been shown this version of "talking leaves".
Having been born in 1941, I wonder myself! Many years ago, I started computer communications on the Cleveland Free-Net, at a time when a 300 baud modem was thought to be rabbit-fast. You could watch each letter appear on the black screen, and the sentences slowly scroll down the page. Now there's broadband and fantistic speed, color, graphics, sound, etc.
But are the words any fresher, the thoughts any clearer, or the ability to listen any greater? We shall see.
Having been born in 1941, I wonder myself! Many years ago, I started computer communications on the Cleveland Free-Net, at a time when a 300 baud modem was thought to be rabbit-fast. You could watch each letter appear on the black screen, and the sentences slowly scroll down the page. Now there's broadband and fantistic speed, color, graphics, sound, etc.
But are the words any fresher, the thoughts any clearer, or the ability to listen any greater? We shall see.
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