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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"Reality Shows" and the people who watch them
Both Bollywood and Television have fallen into predictable patterns. (Yawn)
Either there is no one who can write an original script, or there is no one willing to pay a writer.

Bollywood just scrapes an old movie out of its archives, finds a group of (ahem)actors to play the parts, and hopes the audience will come for the title and noteriety of the current "talent".

Television, the vast wasteland of 50 years ago, is in a similar quagmire. There must not be anyone who can write screenplays to fit the 27" venue either. So they stage a bunch of fake reality shows to fill in the gap between infomercials and commercials. Whether it is the "drama-packed" crap like Survivor, Lost, or Big Brother; the "romance" genre like Bachelor, or the "entertainment" drivel like American Idle, Project Runway, Dancing with the Scars, or Wynona Judd's hog calling contest with "Cowboy" Troy, it is shameful to put it on the air for sensable people to watch.

But I guess that's the problem! There are far too many people out there who don't have a life and couldn't buy one with the prize from the Superball lottery. So they sit in front of the big, wide, digitally enhanced, full color, surround sound home theatre system in their schlock recliner, and revel in the drama of a bunch of wannabe actors and Jerry Springer trying to dance.

And to make matters even worse, we're now finding the shallowest gene pool of four racial groups and pitting them together to fight it out in the jungle! Get real.
Perhaps we can next get sorority girls from California to have a big hair pull with co-eds from Vassar and Smith College! Rah rah Rah!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Absolutely amazing! After another year of total blogging inactivity, I search and find this still sitting in a dusty corner waiting for my musings.

I will be setting up a booth at the Texas State Genealogy Convention in Fort Worth, Texas on the last weekend in October.

Some other dates worth mentioning are:

The Arkansas Genealogy Convention in Little Rock, AR. in July 2007. This looks to be a two day gig, with Friday being storytelling and history/culture/lifestyle of Cherokees and Saturday being Genealogy.

In August (date pending) I will present at the Austin, Texas Genealogy society for a short program (most likely) or a Saturday workshop.

October sees me winging my way to Garden City Kansas (Yes Toto, we're back in Kansas!) This is the Kansas State Society and another full day presentation.

I am currently available for engagements any time else as long as I can schedule it around my College teaching.