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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Absolutely amazing! After another year of total blogging inactivity, I search and find this still sitting in a dusty corner waiting for my musings.

I will be setting up a booth at the Texas State Genealogy Convention in Fort Worth, Texas on the last weekend in October.

Some other dates worth mentioning are:

The Arkansas Genealogy Convention in Little Rock, AR. in July 2007. This looks to be a two day gig, with Friday being storytelling and history/culture/lifestyle of Cherokees and Saturday being Genealogy.

In August (date pending) I will present at the Austin, Texas Genealogy society for a short program (most likely) or a Saturday workshop.

October sees me winging my way to Garden City Kansas (Yes Toto, we're back in Kansas!) This is the Kansas State Society and another full day presentation.

I am currently available for engagements any time else as long as I can schedule it around my College teaching.