
Are you sure?

Sunday, April 08, 2012


There are many who gather aimlessly and store the "treasures" without rhyme or reason, building up jumbled piles like a kaleidoscope of randomness. Others go at it with more "order".
ICIBIMNI - I keep it because I might need it
In the Mountain Man days of the early 1800s, the trapper would lave a rectangular bag slung across his shoulder called a possibles bag. It would have everything he might possibly need during his day' trapping activities: jerky, extra bullets for his rifle, spare flints, flint and steel fire starter, first aid supplies, pipe and tobacco, etc.
A subject I know has acquired a walker for mobility, and the basket is filled to overflowing with similar items (no pipe and 'baccy). In addition there is a small plastic storage container filled with all the paperwork needed for survival in case a tornado blows away the surroundings. If anyone knows of a removable pack saddle that will fit on a walker, let me know. We're almost there.
Another symptom is saving in quantity, just in case the store stops selling the item. 6 bottles of chili powder, 24 rolls of paper towels in 3 brands, a drawer full of particular brands of candy in multiples, etc. And each item must be carefully labelled with date and time of purchase, store name, location, size, expiration date, and cost. The labels are put on with Scotch tape. If there are 8 cartons of individual servings of instant mashed potatoes, that's 8 labels. And after shopping for 4 hours, that's a lot of "stuff" to label.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Coping - Living with an OCD victim
Watching OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder) take over one's life is frustrating, to say the least.
Day by day, more habits, routines, copings take over the normal personality and it is hard to deal with the new perceived reality being experienced.
There are now "reality shows" dealing with extreme hoarders, like "Hoarding, buried Alive" on the Learning Channel. But like most "reality shows, they deal with the topic in an ambivalent manner that scratches the surface and results in a "Removal company" coming in and somewhat forcible hauling everything to the dump. Seldom do the do a follow-up,that would show that the intervention was at most a temporary fix, and that the house had filled up again, maybe in a worse condition.
I will be doing a series of blogs dealing with my experiences in coping with someone with this disorder. I do this because I have realized that my attitudes and behavior hasn't ended the problem but only soured my enjoyment of life. Please stay tuned if you have a loved one who shows one or more of the many signs of OCPD.